Revit Tip - Project Base Point and Survey Point Revisited
5:00:00 AM
coordinate systems
project base point
revit coordinates
revit levels
revit tip
revit tutorial
survey point

Over the years there have been posts on this blog that spark debate, opinions, and "face-palms". The "Controlling Your Levels..." post I published back in May of 2015 is an example of a post that makes you think and rethink Revit's coordinate system.
Well, an awesome reader named Ben Muller (@pix3lot) was wracking his brain (and the comments portion of the previously mentioned post) to understand fully every aspect of Revit's coordinate and level system. As a result, Ben created a nice graphic that really helps to explain all of the different level and coordinate systems in play when using Revit. Keep reading to view Ben's awesome image:
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