Javier emailed and asked a very good question:
"Hi Jeff, I was wondering if you have a tutorial where explain how create a exterior glazing wall where the mullions are behind the glazing?"First, thanks for the question, Javier. This is a condition commonly known as "butt glazing". Typically, the glazing sits in front of the mullions and it joined with silicon sealant like the detail below:
A Typical "Butt Glazing" Detail |
When I create butt glazing in Revit I find it unnecessary to model this silicon joint. I simply but the glass together and use the default mullion and curtain panel families. Keep reading for a quick video illustrating the way I usually create a vertical butt glazed mullion in Revit that looks something like this...
Revit Vertical Butt Glazing - 3D View |
Revit Butt Glazing - Plan View |
Click here to keep reading! »