7 Things I Learned at #RTCNA 2014

1. Chicago has some serious thunderstorms.

Many of you may have seen the numerous tweets about cancelled flights, delays, and overall travel annoyances.  I, too, had to deal with some issue getting to the conference on Wednesday night.  Fortunately, thanks to perfect timing and the power of Twitter I hopped on a plane with a fellow RTCNA attendee and made it on time.  To quote Jay Zallan, "these are first world problems.."

2. Schaumburg is NOT Chicago

Similar to RTCNA 2012, RTCNA 2014 was marketed as being in the big city of Chicago but ended up being about 31 miles away.  Ultimately, the conference was a hit regardless of where it was located (the only time I would have had to get outside would have been late at night anyways).  I have always wanted to go to downtown Chicago... Maybe one day I will.

3. Revit is STILL gaining traction...

I have been blogging for over five years about Revit, BIM, and technology as it relates to architecture and construction.  Talking about Revit everyday, working with Revit everyday, and blogging about Revit everyday may have caused me to lose a bit of perspective.  I've assumed that Revit (and BIM in general) had become the new norm and had been accepted as the new norm.

I was wrong.  When I saw all of the new faces at this years RTCNA (apparently there was a very large percentage of first time attendees) they reminded me that BIM is still on the rise!  This was an encouraging thought that will motivate me moving forward with the blog and BIM After Dark. 

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